EPIC Centre

Genetic factors and lifestyle habits: can we act in favour of our cardiovascular health despite genetics?

Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Marie-Pierre Dubé, director of the Beaulieu-Saucier Pharmacogenomics Centre at the Montreal Heart Institute - Wednesday 15 June, 2022

It’s often said that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree… But what if we could somehow make it roll a bit farther away by having a healthier lifestyle? Dr. Marie-Pierre Dubé, director of the Beaulieu-Saucier Pharmacogenomics Centre at the Montreal Heart Institute, demonstrates the important influence that various modifiable factors have on the genetically determined risk of heart disease.

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Prevention: the key to a healthy heart and brain

Foundation - Wednesday 27 April, 2022

“Some might be asking themselves why an institution like ours, dedicated to cardiology, studies the brain. That’s because the heart and brain are in fact inextricably linked. What’s good for one is good for the other,” said Dr. Bherer who is dedicated to finding ways to prevent conditions that affect these two key organs.

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Cardiovascular prevention to counteract cognitive disorders

Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Louis Bherer, neuropsychologist at the Montreal Heart Institute - Tuesday 26 April, 2022

The brain and the heart: in literature these two organs are supposedly opposed to each other, which gives rise to great internal strife. In the field of health, however, they form an inseparable duo . Dr. Louis Bherer, neuropsychologist at the Montreal Heart Institute, is interested in prevention measures that act in synergy on these two central motors.

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A great love for the Institute

Foundation - Thursday 21 April, 2022

Gilles Spinelli was admitted to the Montreal Heart Institute in 1979 for an aortic valve problem. At the time, he had no idea he was going to become one of the Institute’s most devoted volunteers, generously supporting its mission in myriad ways.

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Continuing the battle against type 2 diabetes during a pandemic

Foundation - Monday 19 April, 2021

If you could reverse your type 2 diabetes diagnosis through exercise and healthy eating, would you do it? That was the challenge taken up by patients of the Diabetes Prevention Clinic sponsored by Sun Life at the Montreal Heart Institute in 2018.

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The right nutrition: making a big difference in preventing heart disease

Foundation, in collaboration with Élise Latour, nutritionist at the EPIC Centre - Thursday 11 March, 2021

Élise Latour is a nutritionist at the Montreal Heart Institute’s EPIC Centre who embraced the Institute’s cause more than three decades ago. She shares the ins and outs of her profession and how she helps EPIC Centre members in their quest for a healthy lifestyle.

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Diabetes prevention clinic sponsored by Sun Life: fighting type 2 diabetes, one patient at a time

Foundation - Sunday 1 November, 2020

In January 2019, the Montreal Heart Institute’s EPIC Centre inaugurated the Diabetes Prevention Clinic sponsored by Sun Life. Its goal is to improve the health of type 2 diabetics and reduce their risks of developing heart disease. Learn more about this multidisciplinary diabetes prevention program.

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