Mediterranean diet

The 5 key principles of a heart-healthy diet

Foundation - Thursday 9 March, 2023

It can sometimes be tricky to stick to a balanced diet. To help you adopt a diet that’s good for your health and your heart, we’ve spoken with Élise Latour and Karine Lamoureux, nutritionists at the EPIC Centre.

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Cardiovascular prevention to counteract cognitive disorders

Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Louis Bherer, neuropsychologist at the Montreal Heart Institute - Tuesday 26 April, 2022

The brain and the heart: in literature these two organs are supposedly opposed to each other, which gives rise to great internal strife. In the field of health, however, they form an inseparable duo . Dr. Louis Bherer, neuropsychologist at the Montreal Heart Institute, is interested in prevention measures that act in synergy on these two central motors.

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Cardiovascular prevention and the Mediterranean diet: the impact of diet on healthy life expectancy

Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Martin Juneau, cardiologist and director of prevention at the Montreal Heart Institute - Tuesday 12 April, 2022

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” And what if this saying actually had some truth to it? Dr. Martin Juneau, cardiologist and director of prevention at the Montreal Heart Institute, explains the impact of good dietary practices on healthy life expectancy and cardiovascular disease.

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The right nutrition: making a big difference in preventing heart disease

Foundation, in collaboration with Élise Latour, nutritionist at the EPIC Centre - Thursday 11 March, 2021

Élise Latour is a nutritionist at the Montreal Heart Institute’s EPIC Centre who embraced the Institute’s cause more than three decades ago. She shares the ins and outs of her profession and how she helps EPIC Centre members in their quest for a healthy lifestyle.

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Questions and answers: nutrition and cardiovascular health

Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Martin Juneau, cardiologist and Director of Prevention at the Institute - Monday 15 February, 2021

A healthy diet is the key to a healthy heart. Dr. Martin Juneau, cardiologist and Director of Prevention at the Montreal Heart Institute, answers your questions about nutrition and cardiovascular health.

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