
Dreaming of a bright future

Foundation - Friday 14 October, 2022

Interview on the future of cardiovascular medicine with Dr. Jean-Claude Tardif, Director of the Montreal Heart Institute’s Research Centre.

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A glimpse at the future of research

Foundation - Friday 26 August, 2022

What will the Institute’s researchers be working on in the coming years? David Rhainds, Deputy Director of the Montreal Heart Institute’s Research Centre, shares an overview of upcoming projects.

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A woman of heart and conviction

Foundation - Sunday 4 April, 2021

Of her own accord, the philanthropist found herself at the epicentre of international initiatives to advance the COLCORONA clinical trial, along with Dr. Jean-Claude Tardif. Passionate and driven by a genuine desire to save lives, she joined the battle just like she has for countless other causes.

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The creativity needed to innovate

Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Marie-Pierre Dubé, Director of the MHI’s Beaulieu-Saucier Pharmacogenomics Centre - Wednesday 17 March, 2021

As Director of the Université de Montréal’s Beaulieu-Saucier Pharmacogenomics Centre at the Montreal Heart Institute for nearly 10 years now, she oversees a team of some 20 experts and wears several hats, including researcher, associate professor and scientific author. She loves her work and enjoys sharing that passion with others.

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COLCOT-T2D: how can we prevent cardiovascular diseases in type 2 diabetics?

Foundation - Friday 9 October, 2020

With support from the MHI Foundation’s donors, Dr. Jean-Claude Tardif was able to launch COLCOT-T2D, the second phase of the COLCOT study. The goal is to demonstrate that colchicine can also prevent cardiovascular diseases in diabetics.

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The COLCOT study: a world-class discovery made at the Montreal Heart Institute

Foundation - Thursday 8 October, 2020

Researchers at the Montreal Heart Institute launched a global study titled COLCOT (COLchicine Cardiovascular Outcomes Trial) in 2014. The goal was to determine whether colchicine, a widely available drug, could prevent the risk of heart attacks in patients who had already experienced this kind of event.

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Colchicine: a new ally for cardiovascular health

Foundation - Wednesday 7 October, 2020

Colchicine is an orally administered drug which has been garnering a lot of interest in the past few months. It has recently been the subject of scientific studies that have identified new indications. Let’s take a look at this readily available drug that represents a new hope for people with a variety of health conditions.

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Colcorona genetic study: better understanding the symptoms of COVID-19

Foundation - Monday 24 August, 2020

The Colcorona genetic study is taking place at the Montreal Heart Institute’s Beaulieu-Saucier Pharmacogenomics Centre and is led by Dr. Marie-Pierre Dubé. This study invited participants who have already accepted to take part in the Colcorona study to voluntarily contribute their DNA. The study of their DNA will help researchers better understand why some patients develop a more severe form of COVID-19.

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