Browse media releases for important annoucements from the Foundation and the Institute.
For all media requests, contact Nathalie Rochette at or 514 593-2525, ext. 3055.
To download the Foundation’s logos, click here.
82 press releases
August 29, 2022
The 22nd edition of the Grand Bal des Vins-Cœurs will make its long-awaited in presence return to the city’s major philanthropic events on Thursday, September 8, at Windsor Station. The Montreal Heart Institute Foundation (MHIF) benefit event will gather close to 600 people from the Montreal business community around a common goal: to raise money to protect sensitive hearts.
August 22, 2022
The Montreal Heart Institute Foundation (MHIF) has received a major $10 million donation from Marvin and Philippa Carsley. This amount, which represents one of the biggest funding commitments received to date by the MHIF, is entirely dedicated to the development of precision medicine.
August 8, 2022
The 36th edition of the Kanawaki Golf Tournament was held on August 1st, 2022. Thanks to the generosity of the 95 golfers, we are very proud to have raised $113,020 for the Montreal Heart Institute Foundation.
May 17, 2022
The Montreal Heart Institute Foundation (MHIF) and the Quebec Heart and Lung Institute Foundation (IUCPQ), in collaboration with IGA, announce that the Funds from the Heart fundraiser has ended with $210,000 raised.
May 3, 2022
As the National Heart Failure Awareness Week begins, the Montreal Heart Institute announces the creation of the Canadian Heart Function Alliance (CHF Alliance) Network. Uniting an extensive network of researchers, cardiologists, patients, caregivers, Indigenous elders, policymakers and supporting organizations across the country, this pan-Canadian alliance aims to tackle the challenges of heart failure – a common condition that is often fatal, and on the rise in Canada.
April 29, 2022
The 8th edition of the HeartBeat event, presented by TELUS Health to benefit the Montreal Heart Institute Foundation (MHIF), was held yesterday at the Locoshop Angus. Gathering close to 400 young and engaged professionals from various fields of the Montreal business community, the fundraising event raised $139,000 for cardiovascular health.
April 7, 2022
In collaboration with IGA, the Montreal Heart Institute Foundation and the Quebec Heart and Lung Institute Foundation (IUCPQ) are launching the 38th edition of the Funds from the Heart fundraiser. Formerly called $2 Does the Heart Good, this major campaign, held in nearly 300 participating IGA supermarkets, aims to raise funds to prevent cardiovascular disease.
February 23, 2022
The Loto Cardio is back with a brand new edition! This year, in addition to the 33 cash prizes of $1,000 to be won from April 2022 to February 2023, 2 grand prizes of $3,000 and $5,000 will be drawn during the first and last month of the lottery.
December 23, 2021
The Challenge VP, a virtual auction that took place from November 24 to December 16, was a great success. More than twenty prizes for which the proceeds were intended for the Montreal Heart Institute Foundation, found buyers. We are proud to announce that the third edition of this auction raised an impressive sum of $54,191.
December 15, 2021
The Montreal Heart Institute (MHI) announces that the Hemodynamics Service has performed Quebec’s first intervention using an orbital atherectomy system on a patient. This state-of-the-art medical device dilates severely blocked arteries caused by calcium plaques.