The heartwarming story of the Migliara brothers, siblings dedicated to the cause
An interview with Salvatore and Giovanni Migliara, major donors and volunteers
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This article is adapted from the fourth edition of the Foundation’s magazine
Since it was created, the Montreal Heart Institute Foundation has been fortunate to benefit from the devotion of exceptional individuals who put their strength and energy into the cause. Salvatore and Giovanni Migliara, two brothers involved with senior care homes in Montreal, are a perfect example. They’ve shared their story with us, revealing a dedication that continues to flourish in a world of ever-growing needs.
The start of Cœurs Universels
Salvatore became aware of the MHI Foundation in 2002 when one of his friends invited him to take part in a fundraising event. “My friend Adrien Perron, a very generous man whom everyone lovingly called Papa and who supported various causes, came to see me and said, ‘You know Vittorio DiVito, owner of the Auberge Universel? The Montreal Heart Institute has saved his life three times. He wants us to create a group that will organize a yearly fundraiser for the Foundation.’ So I told Papa Perron, ‘OK, I’m in!’ And since Vittorio DiVito owned the Auberge Universel, Adrien’s idea was to call our initiative Cœurs Universels. That’s how it started, with a small group of Vittorio’s friends—generous businesspeople who wanted to get involved and make a difference,” said Salvatore.
A growing group of donors
For about 15 years, Salvatore got together with the other members of the Cœurs Universels organizing committee to plan annual galas. “The first few years, we hosted the events at the Auberge, but over time, the event turned into such a big affair that we reached the Auberge’s maximum capacity… Which was a good problem to have! We found a new venue and the team kept expanding,” he said.
Passing the torch and pursuing charity work
A few years ago, Adrien Perron, the papa and friend who had convinced Salvatore to join Cœurs Universels, fell ill. “I’ll never forget that moment. His son called me and said, ‘My father wants to see you and you have to come quick, he’s going to leave us this weekend.’ That was Saturday afternoon. He passed away on the Sunday. I’ll always remember our conversation. He was still very lucid and said, ‘Son, I have a favour to ask and you’re going to promise me one thing. You’re the only one who can keep Cœurs Universels going, so promise me that it won’t die with me.’ I was very moved, and I remained true to my word. For years now, even if it’s a lot of hard work, anytime I think of passing the torch to someone else, I still hear Papa Perron’s voice telling me to keep at it,” said Salvatore.
Salvatore wanted to breathe new life into the organization in 2019 and asked his younger brother Giovanni to join the group. This marked the beginning of a new phase where innovation was at the forefront. “When COVID hit—and with it, the constraints making large gatherings impossible—we had an idea. Because my brother and I are vintage car collectors, we decided to donate a few of them for a raffle. That’s how Le tirage du coeur came to be. It was an instant success. The first year, we raised $225,000—the most we’ve raised in any year. When Adrien Perron started this endeavour, we were a small group of 4 or 5, but since 2002, we’ve managed to raise more than $2 million… That’s not bad!”
A reminder of the importance of supporting cardiology
Why do the Migliara brothers believe it’s important to stay involved, even after all these years, and why cardiology? Their answer is clear: “Our lives, and our parents’ lives, began in the East End of Montreal, so it’s natural for us to support the hospitals and institutions that are located there. As the owners of senior care homes, cardiology is a huge concern for us because heart problems directly affect many of our residents. We know that the needs are growing—we see it every day— and that has made a mark on us. We want to give back to a field we’re involved in, where we can see the direct impact of our support. Two-thirds of our residents have been treated or will be treated at the Institute, and that’s huge. I believe it’s our duty as businesspeople to give back. The Institute and its cause are close to us. In fact, both our parents received treatment there,” said Giovanni.
“All causes and foundations are worthy, but those that come into your life are the ones you form a personal attachment to. That’s why I chose the Institute more than 20 years ago. The needs are great, and I know that with the Institute, donating has a tangible impact—equipment, technological developments, expertise, … I’ve seen the progress over the years. I’ve also learned that we really need to support research because it’s vital. It helps elevate the Institute to another level, to international acclaim, and that’s admirable. On a personal note, I had a work accident in 1990 that led me to discover the EPIC Centre. I’m now a member. The Centre helped me get back into physical shape and I’m very grateful,” said Salvatore.
Salvatore’s heart
If Salvatore’s heart could speak, here’s what it would say:
“We need to help the Foundation because while all causes are good ones, we have one key organ, and that is the heart. We can live without a leg or a kidney, but not without a heart. No heart means no life.”
Giovanni’s heart
If Giovanni’s heart could speak, here’s what it would say:
“We need to give because one day, we’ll be the ones needing help. You don’t understand how important it is until you go through it yourself. You realize that without the funds, you can’t move forward. We need to be proud and remember that every dollar counts, that donating is a way to invest in ourselves. Giving back to society is good for everyone. For us, it’s the pride that comes from being part of the Institute, and having helped shape the outstanding reputation it has earned.”
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