
Heart to heart: The special relationship between nurse and patient

Interview with Clarissa Nolasco, nurse at the Institute's Heart Failure Clinic - Monday 8 May, 2023

From the moment she walked through the doors of the Montreal Heart Institute in 2006, Clarissa Nolasco has never looked back. The clinical nurse tells us about the unparalleled nursing care they provide, focused on personalized support, and their remarkably human approach, which makes the hospital so unique.

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Anie Brisebois: from the emergency room to nursing director

Foundation - Friday 4 March, 2022

Anie Brisebois joined the big Montreal Heart Institute family just after obtaining her bachelor’s degree in nursing, and she has never left. She still has all the enthusiasm of the early days more than 30 years after joining the team, and she now shines as director of nursing. Honest and passionate about her profession, she enthusiastically shares her career and achievements with us.

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When reality exceeds your wildest dreams

Foundation, in collaboration with Caroline Dupré, a nurse at the Institute’s transplant clinic - Friday 9 April, 2021

Even as a child, Caroline Dupré knew she wanted to be a nurse. “Taking care of people is what’s most important to me. When I was small, I carried around a little doctor’s bag and put bandages on my dolls. You could say I figured out pretty early on that I wanted to work in a hospital.” Growing up, she set her sights on working at the Montreal Heart Institute, a dream that quickly came true.

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