
The Gurman brothers: Traveling the world in search of the best treatment

Foundation - Monday 17 May, 2021

Twins Jonathan and Marvin Gurman, both entrepreneurs, recently underwent surgery for aortic valve stenosis. After consulting with various doctors around the world about the most advanced procedures in the field, they finally found the best treatment for them in their home city of Montreal. At the Montreal Heart Institute, they met Dr. Denis Bouchard, a pioneer in minimally invasive surgery. Find out how they learned about this surgical procedure that would have a major impact on their recovery.  

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Doing good while waiting for a heart transplant

Foundation - Thursday 29 April, 2021

Éric Cool suffered a nearly fatal heart attack which upended his life. After undergoing emergency heart surgery, he is now closely monitored and waiting for a heart transplant. How does he quell his anxiety and focus on the positive? By launching a fundraising campaign with the help of his children and friends in support of the Foundation. A story of a man who prefers to see the positive in life, no matter what it has in store for him.

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A donation that is a tribute to Jacques Gendreau’s life

Foundation - Thursday 22 April, 2021

Jacques Gendreau passed away in December 2020. He was monitored at the Institute for atrial fibrillation and a leaky heart valve. In order to thank the Institute for the excellent care he received, he chose to include a donation to the Foundation in his will. A heartfelt gesture that allows the Foundation to save more sensitive hearts.

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Two years of intensive learning

Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Laura Vidales, fellow cardiologist at the Institute - Monday 19 April, 2021

In 2020, Argentinian cardiologist Laura Vidales began her second year of fellowship at the Institute, where she continued her superspecialized work in congenital heart defects. This innovative branch of cardiovascular medicine has blazed a path for itself with rapid advances over the last few years. Thanks to the support of the Foundation’s donors, Dr. Vidales and many other doctors have become acquainted with the Canadian healthcare system.

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Preventing cognitive decline caused by atrial fibrillation

Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Lena Rivard, electrophysiologist and cardiology researcher at the Institute - Monday 12 April, 2021

Dr. Lena Rivard and her colleagues Dr. Denis Roy and Dr. Paul Khairy, physician researchers in cardiology and electrophysiologists at the Montreal Heart Institute, are leading BRAIN-AF, the world’s first study that seeks to demonstrate a link between atrial fibrillation and cognitive decline in young patients.

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When reality exceeds your wildest dreams

Foundation, in collaboration with Caroline Dupré, a nurse at the Institute’s transplant clinic - Friday 9 April, 2021

Even as a child, Caroline Dupré knew she wanted to be a nurse. “Taking care of people is what’s most important to me. When I was small, I carried around a little doctor’s bag and put bandages on my dolls. You could say I figured out pretty early on that I wanted to work in a hospital.” Growing up, she set her sights on working at the Montreal Heart Institute, a dream that quickly came true.

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A woman of heart and conviction

Foundation - Sunday 4 April, 2021

Of her own accord, the philanthropist found herself at the epicentre of international initiatives to advance the COLCORONA clinical trial, along with Dr. Jean-Claude Tardif. Passionate and driven by a genuine desire to save lives, she joined the battle just like she has for countless other causes.

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Building the Institute of tomorrow

Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Peter Guerra, Chief of Medicine and Cardiology at the Montreal Heart Institute - Monday 29 March, 2021

“Peter, there’s a cardiac arrest in the ER. C’mon, let’s go!” When Dr. Peter Guerra worked in internal medicine, a senior resident grabbed him to help out with an emergency cardiac procedure. As is often the case when the heart is involved, someone’s life was on the line. At that exact moment, he knew he had found his calling.

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Friendship can work miracles

Foundation, in collaboration with Suzanne Lévesque, President of the Jean-Louis Lévesque Foundation - Friday 19 March, 2021

Her thirst for knowledge and innovation is an endless source of inspiration. She reads everything she’s sent, speaks personally to the researchers who receive support from the Foundation, and learns something new every day. “My role allows me to keep a finger on the pulse of the community, which I find very exciting,” she explained.

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The creativity needed to innovate

Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Marie-Pierre Dubé, Director of the MHI’s Beaulieu-Saucier Pharmacogenomics Centre - Wednesday 17 March, 2021

As Director of the Université de Montréal’s Beaulieu-Saucier Pharmacogenomics Centre at the Montreal Heart Institute for nearly 10 years now, she oversees a team of some 20 experts and wears several hats, including researcher, associate professor and scientific author. She loves her work and enjoys sharing that passion with others.

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