
Heart to heart: The special relationship between nurse and patient

Interview with Clarissa Nolasco, nurse at the Institute's Heart Failure Clinic - Monday 8 May, 2023

From the moment she walked through the doors of the Montreal Heart Institute in 2006, Clarissa Nolasco has never looked back. The clinical nurse tells us about the unparalleled nursing care they provide, focused on personalized support, and their remarkably human approach, which makes the hospital so unique.

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Clinical perfusionists: working behind the scenes

Interview with Hosham Ased, clinical perfusionist at the Montreal Heart Institute - Wednesday 12 April, 2023

The recipient of the third edition of the Dr. Denis Roy Awards for Excellence in Cardiovascular Care, Hosham Ased is an ambassador of his profession. He works tirelessly to help advance the practices used in his field, and below he talks about the little-known yet critical role of clinical perfusionists.

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Running for Éric Cool: an inspiring initiative in L’Assomption

Interview with Ariane Bouchard, organizer of the Assomption en foulées event - Tuesday 21 March, 2023

Éric Cool is a well-known patient at the Montreal Heart Institute and its Foundation. He underwent emergency surgery in 2021 after suffering a massive heart attack at the age of 47. Unfortunately, his condition deteriorated over time and he received a heart transplant in 2023. That’s when Ariane Bouchard decided to encourage residents of L’Assomption to take part in a race to raise funds to support the fight against cardiovascular diseases.

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Carole Gray: a reassuring presence

Foundation - Monday 6 February, 2023

Carole Gray was hired to be a receptionist at the Foundation 34 years ago. She had no idea just how big her adventure was going to be. Now, as a stewardship advisor, she’s able to witness all the ways in which the Montreal Heart Institute positively impacts people. She tells us about the importance of lending an ear and the new ways to support the cause.

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Raising funds for a friend: Robert Cressaty’s way of paying it forward

Foundation - Friday 13 January, 2023

After the third period of a hockey game, Brad decided to get off the ice and stay on the bench because he didn’t feel well. When the game was over, he went to lie down in the locker room because he felt a severe back pain. Once he went home, he put ice on his back to relieve the pain and decided to sleep it off. He didn’t wake up the next day.

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Dreaming of a bright future

Foundation - Friday 14 October, 2022

Interview on the future of cardiovascular medicine with Dr. Jean-Claude Tardif, Director of the Montreal Heart Institute’s Research Centre.

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Waiting for a new heart while raising funds for the cause

Foundation - Friday 12 August, 2022

Éric Cool has been raising funds for the Foundation while waiting for a heart transplant. A profile of a man who is an incurable optimist.

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The relationship between mental well-being and cardiovascular health

Foundation - Thursday 21 July, 2022

While most health care professionals at the Montreal Heart Institute take care of a patient’s heart, Dr. Judith Brouillette, Director of the Psychiatry Department, provides care for their mental well-being.

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A tradition of innovation

Foundation - Tuesday 12 July, 2022

Interview with Dr. Denis Roy, winner of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society Research Achievement Award and pillar of the Montreal Heart Institute.

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Dr. Walid Ben Ali: building the interventional cardiac surgery of tomorrow

Foundation - Thursday 7 July, 2022

A cardiac surgeon with an impressive backstory, Dr. Walid Ben Ali joined the Montreal Heart Institute in April 2021. Since then, he has been actively researching, creating, and perfecting tools that could revolutionize the world of cardiac surgery in the future. An encounter with an innovation enthusiast!

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