Robert Blouin is ready for the next day’s bypass surgery.
Foundation - Sunday 4 April, 2021
Of her own accord, the philanthropist found herself at the epicentre of international initiatives to advance the COLCORONA clinical trial, along with Dr. Jean-Claude Tardif. Passionate and driven by a genuine desire to save lives, she joined the battle just like she has for countless other causes.
Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Peter Guerra, Chief of Medicine and Cardiology at the Montreal Heart Institute - Monday 29 March, 2021
“Peter, there’s a cardiac arrest in the ER. C’mon, let’s go!” When Dr. Peter Guerra worked in internal medicine, a senior resident grabbed him to help out with an emergency cardiac procedure. As is often the case when the heart is involved, someone’s life was on the line. At that exact moment, he knew he had found his calling.
Foundation, in collaboration with Suzanne Lévesque, President of the Jean-Louis Lévesque Foundation - Friday 19 March, 2021
Her thirst for knowledge and innovation is an endless source of inspiration. She reads everything she’s sent, speaks personally to the researchers who receive support from the Foundation, and learns something new every day. “My role allows me to keep a finger on the pulse of the community, which I find very exciting,” she explained.
Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Marie-Pierre Dubé, Director of the MHI’s Beaulieu-Saucier Pharmacogenomics Centre - Wednesday 17 March, 2021
As Director of the Université de Montréal’s Beaulieu-Saucier Pharmacogenomics Centre at the Montreal Heart Institute for nearly 10 years now, she oversees a team of some 20 experts and wears several hats, including researcher, associate professor and scientific author. She loves her work and enjoys sharing that passion with others.
Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Lena Rivard, electrophysiologist and cardiology researcher at the Institute - Tuesday 16 March, 2021
Dr. Lena Rivard is an electrophysiologist andcardiology researcher at the Montreal Heart Institute. An associate professor and research scholar, she’s always been fascinated by the heart, as well as by the quest for answers.
Foundation, in collaboration with Élise Latour, nutritionist at the EPIC Centre - Thursday 11 March, 2021
Élise Latour is a nutritionist at the Montreal Heart Institute’s EPIC Centre who embraced the Institute’s cause more than three decades ago. She shares the ins and outs of her profession and how she helps EPIC Centre members in their quest for a healthy lifestyle.
Foundation - Monday 1 March, 2021
Working out at home is a good option for anyone who wants to exercise more. Online training programs are becoming more and more popular so you’re sure to find the one that suits you. Here are 10 accessories to make working out at home more fun and to help you stay motivated!
Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Martin Juneau, cardiologist and Director of Prevention at the Institute - Monday 15 February, 2021
A healthy diet is the key to a healthy heart. Dr. Martin Juneau, cardiologist and Director of Prevention at the Montreal Heart Institute, answers your questions about nutrition and cardiovascular health.
Foundation - Thursday 4 February, 2021
Mr. Labrie, 29, is an active, energetic, and ambitious entrepreneur with an impressive list of achievements under his belt. He has invested his body and soul in his company, he is involved within the community, and sits on several boards of directors, including the one at the Montreal Heart Institute Foundation. Hard to believe that he underwent open-heart surgery last June.
Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Judith Brouillette, psychiatrist - Tuesday 12 January, 2021
Dr. Judith Brouillette, head of the psychiatry department at the Montreal Heart Institute, is doubling down to find ways to safeguard the mental health of health care professionals. Here’s an overview of her innovative research and impressive career.
Robert Blouin is ready for the next day’s bypass surgery.