

Prevention: the key to a healthy heart and brain

Foundation - Wednesday 27 April, 2022

“Some might be asking themselves why an institution like ours, dedicated to cardiology, studies the brain. That’s because the heart and brain are in fact inextricably linked. What’s good for one is good for the other,” said Dr. Bherer who is dedicated to finding ways to prevent conditions that affect these two key organs.

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Cardiovascular prevention to counteract cognitive disorders

Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Louis Bherer, neuropsychologist at the Montreal Heart Institute - Tuesday 26 April, 2022

The brain and the heart: in literature these two organs are supposedly opposed to each other, which gives rise to great internal strife. In the field of health, however, they form an inseparable duo . Dr. Louis Bherer, neuropsychologist at the Montreal Heart Institute, is interested in prevention measures that act in synergy on these two central motors.

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A great love for the Institute

Foundation - Thursday 21 April, 2022

Gilles Spinelli was admitted to the Montreal Heart Institute in 1979 for an aortic valve problem. At the time, he had no idea he was going to become one of the Institute’s most devoted volunteers, generously supporting its mission in myriad ways.

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Cardiovascular prevention and the Mediterranean diet: the impact of diet on healthy life expectancy

Foundation, in collaboration with Dr. Martin Juneau, cardiologist and director of prevention at the Montreal Heart Institute - Tuesday 12 April, 2022

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” And what if this saying actually had some truth to it? Dr. Martin Juneau, cardiologist and director of prevention at the Montreal Heart Institute, explains the impact of good dietary practices on healthy life expectancy and cardiovascular disease.

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Dr. David Busseuil: towards personalized medicine with the Biobank

Foundation - Monday 28 March, 2022

When he first landed in Montreal in 2005 to complete his post-doctorate with Dr. Jean-Claude Tardif at the Montreal Heart Institute, Dr. David Busseuil was still unaware that he would never return to Dijon. Several years later, he is now director of an impressive bank of biological samples and data used for clinical research, the André and France Desmarais Hospital Cohort at the Montreal Heart Institute, also known as the Biobank.

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Anie Brisebois: from the emergency room to nursing director

Foundation - Friday 4 March, 2022

Anie Brisebois joined the big Montreal Heart Institute family just after obtaining her bachelor’s degree in nursing, and she has never left. She still has all the enthusiasm of the early days more than 30 years after joining the team, and she now shines as director of nursing. Honest and passionate about her profession, she enthusiastically shares her career and achievements with us.

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Dr. Marquis-Gravel: a bright hope for the future of interventional cardiology

Foundation - Wednesday 12 January, 2022

Dr. Guillaume Marquis-Gravel has been working for a year and a half as a cardiologist at the Montreal Heart Institute. Passionate about research and motivated by a desire to improve people’s lives, he shares his recent accomplishments and deepest aspirations with us.

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3 reasons to donate on someone’s behalf

Foundation - Wednesday 15 December, 2021

Giving in honour of someone is a wonderful way to pay tribute to a loved one while supporting cardiovascular health. It’s also a gesture that has an immense impact. At your discretion, the person you want to honour will receive a virtual greeting card or a mailed letter confirming the Montreal Heart Institute has received a donation on their behalf dedicated to major research projects in cardiovascular medicine.

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Holiday gift guide: 3 heartfelt ideas

Foundation - Thursday 2 December, 2021

The holidays are the perfect opportunity to show your appreciation for loved ones with gifts that come from the heart. In fact, gifts that help support a cause or organization are becoming increasingly popular. Join this wonderful movement of kindness and get inspired by the Foundation’s top three gift ideas that will brighten the holidays and make a real difference in the lives of those with a sensitive heart.

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Forgoing a heart transplant

Foundation - Friday 26 November, 2021

Three years ago, Benoit Marcotte came into the care of the Montreal Heart Institute’s Transplant Clinic. On the agenda were close monitoring and monthly exams to ensure that he would be able to receive a compatible heart as soon as one became available. Two years later reality caught up with him. The transplant was no longer in his best interest. What happened? How did Mr. Marcotte see his future? An encounter with an optimistic, resilient, and fun-loving man!

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